"Answering Jihad"
Author: Nabeel Qureshi As a firm believer that first understanding other's cultural background is key to reaching them, this book piqued my interest immediately. Though I received several curious looks when reading it, I don't regret it. Written by a man who was raised Muslim and then converted to Christianity as an adult, then going on to study apologetics, I love the perspective he brings to the table.
With all of the recent events going on in our world, and the unrelenting media painting skewed pictures, I realized that I didn't, in fact, know much about what 'jihad' actually is. In "Answering Jihad," Nabeel answers eighteen questions in helping me sort out the difference between Islamic and jihadist beliefs. With so many misconceptions circulating on the internet, this book is a bold and graceful way of providing some insight into understanding the beliefs of our Muslim neighbors and jihadists on the other side of the world.