Only Jesus.
Dear friends, this week has been hard. This month has been hard. This year has been hard. Orlando. Istanbul. Dallas. Kenya. Baton Rouge. Minnesota. Paris. Syria. So much hurt. So much brokenness. So many scars. We’ve barely begun to grieve, and then another loss happened. And another. And another. And the pain grows. The hole in our heart expands. It hurts immensely. It manifests itself in fear and rage and doubt and we feel so many intense emotions collectively that enough words don’t exist to explain it all. Jesus, only Jesus. More of You, Jesus.
I’m so sorry. I’m sorry words can’t fill that void. I’m sorry injustice exists. I’m sorry I don’t have the perfect words to say that will bring peace.
Jesus, only Jesus. More of You, Jesus.
This prayer plays on repeat in my heart, a reminder and a plea at the same time. Because I don’t have all the words, or all the answers. I don’t have the power to wrap the world in my arms or erase the hurt.
Jesus, only Jesus. More of You, Jesus.
I love words. I cherish words. I don't want to waste precious space with well-intentioned words that are heard and then vanish. But I do have this prayer.
Lord, surround them. Surround the brokenhearted, the wounded, and the mourning. Protect them. Comfort them. Give them the peace that can only come from You. Help them grieve. Assure them of Your promises. Let the world feel how You feel when injustice and evil take hold. Help us understand the depth of Your pain. Break our hearts for what breaks Yours. Show the world how beloved and valued each one of us are, how intricately woven with Your image our bodies are. Teach us how to be vulnerable, how to act in the aftermath of terrorism and racism and senseless acts. Show us the way to reach across lines and be a people of healing, of restoration. Let our lips speak words of love and grace. Allow us to feel with such intensity that we have no choice but to change the headlines to words that don’t bring pain. Show us the Way. Show us the Truth. Show us the Life. Lead us. Let Your command to love seep into the deepest part of our souls so that it becomes second nature.
Jesus, only Jesus. More of You, Jesus. Amen.